Kidney Patient Diet Chart | Vegetable & Fruit for Kidney Patient | किडनी रोगी को क्या खाना चाहिए
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किडनी रोग में क्या खाएं क्या ना खाएं | Best Food Diet for Kidney Failure | kidney patient diet chart in hindi Do you think twice before eating anything, or do you think what is healthy or not? According to the Ayurvedacharya of Karma Ayurveda, diet plays a significant role in our life, especially when we are suffering from a disease related to kidney. In the condition of kidney failure, the kidneys are unable to execute their natural functions; in that case, we may need a kidney-friendly diet to stay healthier. When you search "best food diet for kidney failure or vegetables & fruits for kidney patients" on the internet, you will get a long list of the foods that are healthy but not for a kidney patient. In this video, we have mentioned those foods that are considered fit for kidney disease survivors. Keeping an eye on what you eat and drink will help is in sustaining the health of the kidneys. Treatment is not enough to terminate a disease and to rejuvenate your failed organs. Everybody is different and has diverse nutrition needs, so it is better to consult a dietician to find a kidney-friendly plan that works for you. In this video, you will get to know about the five foods that can revive the failed kidney, and they are: 1. Berries rich in antioxidants reduces the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, cognitive decline, and diabetes. All types of berries are suitable for the health of the kidneys. 2. Apple is a healthful snack that contains an essential fiber called pectin that reduces the risk of kidney damage. 3. Onion is low in potassium and rich in potassium and flavonoids. It is a powerful antioxidant throuhg which you say away from the problems like heart and kidney disease by lowering the blood pressure level. 4. Olive oil is a healthy source of the fat and phosphorus-free diet. These all qualities of olive oil make it an excellent option for patients of kidney failure. 5. Red grapes are known for controlling the high level of diabetes. It also contains vitamin C, which is great for the kidney's health. It was a gist about the food products that are considered as kidney-friendly. For further reference, please go through our channel and watch our playlist. If you are experiencing kidney-related problems, you can contact karma Ayurveda without reluctance. Other Videos Related to Kidney Disease, Cause Sign, Symptoms and Diet Fruits to Eat and Fruits to Avoid by Kidney Patients | Diet Chart for Kidney Disease Best vegetables diet plan for kidney patients | Low Potassium Vegetables for Kidney Failure How Much Creatinine Vs How Much Kidney Damage | Kidney Treatment Without Dialysis Vegetables in High Creatinine Level | Diet Chart in Creatinine Treatment सब्जियां जो गिराती है क्रिएटिनिन का स्तर Vegetables for High Creatinine | Kidney Diet Food List किडनी के मरीजों को किस तरह की दाल का सेवन करना चाहिए | Which Pulses are Good for Kidney Patients? किडनी रोग में क्या खाएं क्या ना खाएं, kidney patient food, diet for kidney patients,kidney treatment, kidney patient diet chart,kidney healthy foods,kidney disease diet, kidney patient diet,kidney ka ilaj, kidney best food, kidney patient food, creatinine high diet, creatinine diet, creatinine reduced diet, creatinine patients diet, kidney patient food chart, diet chart for kidney failure patients, vegetable for kidney patient, fruit for kidney patient, kidney rogi ko kya khana chahiye
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25. 2. 2020 12:30:46